Monday, May 17, 2010


Here's an article my husband, Michael posted not long ago.  He explains the benefits of drinking alkaline water.  

My wife, Jeanne & I, were talking yesterday about the three features of alkaline water. It is difficult to pick just one out. Let's look at alkaline waters' three characteristics.

The first feature is the most commonly known, alkalinity. Most people even call ionic water alkaline water. In fact I called this blog "Alkaline Water Geek."

The reason alkalinity is so important is because most of us have a slightly acidic pH. Our general lifestyles make our bodies acidic. The food we eat and what we drink creates this toxic condition in our bodies.

I don't know where you are starting from, so let me back up. pH or "potential of hydrogen" is a scale from 0-14, 0 being most acidic and 14 being most alkaline. The range of pH of human blood is between 7.35-7.45, a pretty tight window. Our bodies will do almost anything to keep the blood at its proper pH. When we drink ionic water we move our bodies from the acidic range to a more alkaline state. That seems very important.

The second characteristic of ionic water is micro clustering. Normally, water comes to us is in a big bunch of molecules. This doesn't work very well in our bodies, so the water doesn't hydrate us very well. Most of us have the experience of drinking a lot of water and urinating shortly after that. What is the point? In water's natural state, it is micro clustered, that is instead of this big glob of molecules, it is in a smaller group of 6 molecules. The Japanese call it snowflake water. Any of you that have seen Dr. Emoto's photographs of water will know why they look like snowflakes. If you have not seen his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, google Emoto's water or pictures and you're in for a treat.

This micro clustering creates these little snowflakes that fit perfectly into our cells. All living things are programmed to use this snowflake water. When you put fresh flowers into micro clustered water they live a lot longer than putting them in regular water. When water freezes it returns to this micro clustered state. Unfortunately when it returns to its liquid state, it also returns to the way it was before it froze. What does this mean for us? When we drink micro clustered water our bodies can use the water the way God intended. We can hydrate our cells.

When we are first born we are a higher percentage of water than when we are older. Most of the water in our bodies as infants is in our cells. As we age, most of the water in our bodies is outside our cells where it has little value to our health & well being. When we drink micro clustered water we are re-hydrating our cells. This brings water, nutrients and oxygen back into the cells. This also removes built up toxins and waste products from the cells. Wow, that sounds pretty important.

The third characteristic of ionized water is that it is rich in antioxidants. As the water passes through the ionic water machine, the water is negatively charged. That means it has electrons that are negatively charged. When we drink the ionized water these negative electrons seek out free radicals and neutralize them. Free radicals cause a lot of damage in the body and antioxidants are very important in keeping the damage to a minimum.

If you would like to learn more, visit Michaels' blog, Alkaline Water Geek.  The link is under "Related Links" to the right.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Deepak Chopra writes, “An astonishing fact is that more people die on Monday mornings at nine o'clock than at any other time of the week. Presumably no other animal knows the difference between Monday and Tuesday. The difference is an idea, a notion, a thought--what Monday means to us is how we interpret it.”

This morning I asked Mac (my dog) what day it is and if he even cares. He just waged his tail and ran off, "being" in the moment...chasing bugs, spiders, lizards and leaves blowing in the wind. I guess that is his way of saying "EVERY day is the BEST day to be fully alive. Mondays don't have to be so ruff." :o)

Enjoy your Monday--just "Be" the dog!

Peace, Dennis
Dennis Merritt Jones, Author of The Art of Being, 101 Ways to Practice Purpose in Your Life, Life Purpose Coach, Keynote Speaker, Guiding People to Purpose

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Water is vital to our health

Our bodies are composed of 70-75% water.  Water is a component of every cell in the body.  Most of the physiological processes that take place in the body require water to make things run smoothly.  Did you know that the average, healthy person can endure a three to ten day fast without physical harm- as long as they are drinking adequate amounts of water.  However, going without food and water for only three days can put the body into severe dehydration and begin to damage organs.

Mild dehydration is responsible for many symptoms we experience.  Often, a mild headache can be relieved by drinking two glasses of water.  Try it and wait 15 minutes before you reach for the ibuproben.  Just to be clear, I'm talking about drinking water, not coffee, tea, juice or soda.  Coffee has a diuretic action on the body.  It actually takes out water!  The body wants plain water, the cleaner the better.

Let's take a look at a few of the benefits we experience when drinking adequate amounts of water:

1. Water carries waste products from every cell to the kidneys where they are excreted in the urine.  Many doctors believe drinking enough water helps to prevent kidney stones.  Toxins are more easily carried out from the liver in a hydrated body.  A build up of toxins can make you feel sluggish and irritable.  It's more diffucult to concentration. 

2. Adequate water can help to reduce infections in the body.  The lymphatic system breaks down toxins like caffeine before it goes into the blood.  The lymphatic system doesn't flow properly without enough water in the system. 

3.  The skin has more elasticity and looks younger and plumper with adequate water.

4.  Continual flushing of the bladder with water helps to prevent cystitis (bladder infections).  You don't want concentrated urine sitting for long periods in the bladder if you're trying to prevent infection.

5.  Chronic constipation if often eliminated with adequate water.

6.  Contrary to most thinking, drinking more water reduces edema (water retention) from the body.  If the body is short on water it will retain whatever there is for maintenance of your daily processes.  You can flush out the salts which are holding onto the water by drinking more water.

7.  A lack of water reduces the saliva in the mouth.  Saliva helps to wash away bacteria.  Halitosis (bad breath) can occur in a dry mouth from the build up of bacteria on the teeth and tongue.

8.  The blood is 85-90% water!  The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.  And, it carries out cellular waste.  A lack of adequate water will reduce the volume of blood.  The blood can become slightly sticky and this cases inflammation in the blood vessels.  We now know that inflammation is the beginning process of most diseases.  If less oxygen is carried, cramping can occur in the muscles.  A lack of water causes lactic acid to build up in the muscles.  That causes aches and pains and that crunchy sensation you experience when your muscles are massaged.

9.  The brain is 75-80% water.  The electrical synapsis' (connections) that occurs from one neuron to another travel through water.  Thinking, concentration and memory are at a higher quality with a hydrated brain.

10. Water regulates our body temperature.  Most of us were told by our doctors to get rest and to drink more fluids when sick with a fever.

How do we loose water?

Sweating- you loose about two cups of water a day through perspiration.  If you exercise or your feet sweat, it's more that that.

Breathing- you expel between two and four cups of water every day.  Don't believe me?  Exhale onto a mirror and look at the moisture.  How many times do you exhale every minute, hour or every day?

Urination- Each time you urinate you loose about a cup of water.  If your urine is an intense yellow or dark, you are probably not drinking enough water.  You want it to be pale yellow or clear.  (Some medications and supplements can change the color of your urine.)

How much water is enough? 

Generally, drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day .  Some experts say we should drink half our body weight in ounces.  I tend to think that is more accurate.  It's also very good to drink down two full glasses first thing in the morning.

"Water is the single most important material for the existence and support of human life and health."

My next post will talk about Alkaline Water.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010


Spring has sprung and with it comes Allergy and Hay Fever symptoms for many people.  We had a greater amount of rain in the Los Angeles area this year and of course that means more plant growth and more pollen, the allergy trigger for so many.

Allergies are one of the auto-immune diseases. The immune system becomes over-activated and attacks the body.  In the case of allergies, activated immune cells form a memory of "perceived invaders" by producing antibodies to otherwise harmless pollen, trees, grasses, etc. The antibodies then trigger the release of histamines and other compounds into the blood.

This starts an inflammatory response in the respiratory tract, particularly in the nose and eyes. The veins and capillaries in the nasal/sinus area become congested, swelling occurs, profuse nasal discharges occur, the eyes become red, itchy and watery and often one feels irritable and spacey.

Over the counter and prescription drugs, anti-histamines and decongestants, dry you up, take down the swelling and reduce itching. However, this relief is then followed by what we call a boomerang effect. As the medication wears off there is a return of symptoms, often stronger than the original symptoms. In the world of alternative medicine we call this action suppressive. We've all seen the television commercials that mention higher blood pressure and a "balloon head" sensation as side effects to the drugs.

However, there are natural ways to deal with Allergies. We can bring the immune system into balance with immune modulators and homeopathy. This is especially effective because it eliminates the cause rather than just silencing the symptoms.

Below is my Allergy Protocol.

Immune modulator
Source Naturals - Mushroom Immune Defense 2 tabs 2 X day

 Twinlabs - Quercitin + C 1 cap 2 X day

Paradise Bromelian 1-3 caps/day

Saline Spray Solution
Rinse the nose by spraying 4-8 X day
This will flush out the pollens.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep the mucus thin.

Homeopathic Constitutional Treatment- This is always the first choice of treatment.  (See my entry on The Types of Homeopathy.)  When you can't get to a homeopath, use the combination remedy below or choose one of the individual remedies described.
These can be used with the supplements above.

Boiron – Sabadil is a combination allergy remedy. It contains Allium cepa, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, Histaminum hydrochloricum, Euphrasia officinalis, Sabadilia officinalis and Solidago virgurea.
Recommended use:  2 tablets in the mouth every 15 minutes for 1 hour.
Then, 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Boiron – Optique is a combination remedy for eye symptoms. It contains Cineraria maritima, Euphrasia officinalis, Calendula officinalis, Kali muriaticum, Calcarea fluorica, Magnesia carbonica and Silicea
Recommended use: 1-2 drops in each eye, 2-6 times a day

Cell Salts  (There will be a later blog entry on Cell Salts  You can use these with the combination remedy above or the individual remedies below.  There are many who believe Cell Salts are activated in water, hence the instructions for use in water.)

Ferrum phosphoricum 6 X   Used for inflammation and swelling.
Put 8 tablets in 1 liter of water.  Drink the liter during the day.

Kali muriaticum 6 X   For sticky mucus, clear to white-colored.
Put 8 tablets in 1 liter of water. Drink the liter during the day.

Natrum muriaticum 6 X   For a clear runny nose and sneezing. There can be a loss of smell and taste. The mucus is like the white of an egg. The eyes are especially sensitive to light. Symptoms are worse in the hot sun and better at the ocean. There can be cold sores around the mouth at the same time.
Put 8 tablets in 1 liter of water. Drink the liter during the day.

Individual Remedies

Allium cepa 30C
There is a temporary catarrhal (mucus) deafness and dry cough. The eyes run like a faucet with clear, non-irritating mucus. The mucus from the nose causes the nostrils to be sore. The symptoms are worse from flower pollen, worse in a warm room and worse on the left side. They are better in open air.

Arsenicum album 30C
The eyes feel dry, water and burn. The whites of the eyes may be quite red (conjunctivitis). The nose drips watery, clear mucus out the front but, at the same time can feel obstructed. The nostrils become sore. There is frequent sneezing. If the throat is sore it may burn. There is a great deal of restlessness and often the person feels fearful without cause. There may be a feeling of chilliness which is better with heat and hot liquids. Everything seems worse between 12 and 1 AM.

Euphrasia officinalis 30C
The eyes burn and feel irritated. They are very sensitive to light. There may be a need to blink constantly. There is profuse, bland (non-irritating) and watery discharge from the eyes and nose.

Gelsemium sempervirens 30C
There may be violent sneezing. The nostrils feel swollen. There is watery mucus which causes the nostrils to be sore. The throat may itch and be irritated. There is a sense of fatigue, even talking is an effort. The eyes seem to droop.

Histaminum hydrochlorum 9C
Used for allergic reactions along with other remedies.  It seems to work like an antihistamine. Read about The Law of Similars in the “What is Homeopathy?” entry.

Kali bichromium 30C
The mucus feels stuck. When it can be blown out it is sticky and ropey in appearance with a yellow-green color. There may be violent sneezing. There may be hoarseness.  If the facial bones are sore they feel better when pressure is applied.

Nux vomica 30C
There is severe sneezing and mucus in the morning on waking with irritability, impatience and a sense of being hung over. The symptoms become better as the day goes on there is a great deal of itchiness in the nose, ears and palate. At night there is no discharge and the nose is dry and itchy.

Sabadilla officinalis 30C
There is persistent, violent sneezing with great itching in the nose.  It feels like ants crawling in the nose. The eyes are red, water and burn. Hay fever is greatly aggravated by flower pollen.

Wyethia helenoide 30C
There is intense itching of the palate, nose and eyes. The throat feels hot, dry and swollen with a constant need to clear the throat.

Give a few of these products a try and let me know how it worked for you.

My next blog entry will be on "The Benefits of Drinking Water.”

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I recently gave my first year students an assignment entitled, What is Health?  I thought you would enjoy reading one of the papers.  True health is quite different than what we normally think it is.  My student, Ashleigh Brackett, did a beautiful job of defining Health.

"To accurately define health, one must go beyond its standard definition.  A complete picture of health must include much more than mere freedom from disease.  The epitome of health is achieved when the individual's body, mind and spirit are in perfect balance.  When these three elements act as one, the individual is able to manage both internal and external environmental disturbances by its own natural means.  It is able to maintain balance with its own methods even when negative influences act upon it.   At this level of health, the individual's body, on a biochemical level, is in a state of homeostasis.  Homeostasis describes a state of physiological equilibrium where the body's self-regulatory duties all perform properly.

If health was defined solely by the term, freedom from disease, one might be lead to believe that the absence of symptoms is evidence that an individual is in a healthy condition.  This is inaccurate.  Symptoms are necessary as they provide evidence that the body is auto-correcting or can be seen as indicators that point to a problem within the organism.  By ignoring or covering up symptoms, the source of the disease or problem does not disappear.  It is important to use them as warning signals and provide assistance to the body as it attempts to clear the issue.  

A complete picture of optimal health would include: properly functioning organs, balanced biochemical processes, sharp senses, a strong immune system, a good respiratory system, neuromuscular system, digestive system and motor skills.  It would reflect a vibrant, abundance of energy, the ability to think clearly, a strong short and long term memory, the ability to concentrate, even emotions, a calm demeanor, and the experience of refreshing sleep."

As you can see from Ashleigh's writing, Health is a multifaceted aspect of life.  I would also add the body's ability to cope with stress, the ability to experience joy and the expression of creativity to her list.  I hope to add more of my student's writings and opinions as time goes on.

The next blog entry will be, "Natural Allergy Relief."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"May the blessing of light be on you-- light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you 
and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire."   
~Old Celtic Blessing~


Each Homeopathic remedy is scientifically "proven" so that we can know what symptoms it will correct.  A proving requires supervisors and provers.  There is a one to one ratio.  The supervisors take an intake case evaluation on each prover to find out what symptoms are already part of that provers make-up and to eliminate people with chronic illnesses.  We want healthy males and females of different ages in our provings.  Then, these people are given a potentized substance.  Neither the provers nor the supervisors are told what is in the potentized remedy.

Over the next few days, the provers keep a journal of anything unusual to their general being.  No symptom is too small to record.  They may develop a fear of high places, performance anxiety; their dreams may change and have intense themes.  They may develop a dull headache in the left temple area.  The provers are often Homeopathic students who are willing to put up with a few days of discomfort to find new tools for Homeopathy.  Meanwhile, the supervisors are talking with the provers daily and keeping their own journal of the information they collect.

Then the journals are collected from the provers and supervisors.  All the common symptoms from the provers are studied and turned into useful rubrics, our name for symptoms.  We use a Repertory to list symptoms and the remedies that alleviate those symptoms.  The first Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica was published in 1897 by J.T. Kent, M.D.  It's a long, painfully detailed process but completely necessary to keep Homeopathy honest and a respected science.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


There are many types of Homeopathy currently used by Homeopaths around the world.  Below is a short description of the the more popular types.  

The condition you are treating has either just started or it is not more than a day to a month old.  The flu, chicken pox or a sports injury are examples. 

The information needed to find the right remedy is:
Did the problem begin after an event or does it have a cause?  i.e., I woke up with a headache after a stressful week of long hours at work, too much coffee and eating too much fast food.  Or, I suddenly developed a headache after a disagreement with my husband.  
What are the symptoms?  i.e., My head is throbbing on the left side and I'm feeling nauseous. 
What are the modalities?  This means, What makes it worse or better and is there a time or situation that affects it.  i.e., My headache is worse in bright lights and when I hear loud noises.  It was there when I woke up this morning.
Are there any changes emotionally and/or mentally since the condition began?
i.e., I have been really irritable and impatient when people want to talk to me.  I've snapped at my wife this morning.  I'm normally not like that.  

This is Homeopathy used for a condition you've had for a long time.  We call the condition chronic.  Reflux, arthritis, panic attacks, depression or migraines are chronic conditions.  We basically ask the same questions that we did in an Acute case.  This type of treatment generally deals with only the one condition. 

This is also called Classical Homeopathy.  The Homeopath wants to know everything about you.  It is much more holistic in nature than the Clinical approach.  The following are just a few of the questions you will be asked.
What are the physical symptoms that you are experiencing?  What are the modalities and causes of each of those symptoms?  
Who are you emotionally?  How do you feel and react in certain situations?
How are your mental faculties (concentration, memory, etc.)?  
How are you sleeping?
How is your appetite?  What are your favorite foods and what foods do you hate?
How is your energy level?  How are your periods?  How is your sex drive?  Are you happy with your job, your mate and/or your life?
We collect a history on parents and grandparents.  We want to know about your birth and childhood.
The average case takes one to three hours, depending on the Homeopath and his style.  
The goal is to find one remedy that captures your essence completely and not only helps the physical conditions but deals with the underlying causes so that it will not reappear in another form.  The correct remedy will help you to feel a peace of mind and balance.  You will be more able to go after the type of life you desire.

A combination remedy usually contains six to thirty remedies in each tablet.  It is sometimes referred to as a "shot-gun" approach.  There hasn't been a real case taken.  But, the bottle labeled "Arthritis" is bound to have at least one remedy in it that will at least improve your symptoms.  The theory is that the energy of the remedies that are not needed just falls away.  As a Classical Homeopath I don't agree with this theory but I would rather someone with a sinus infection try this before an antibiotic.  I also believe that the formulas with the fewer remedies are better.  This makes Homeopathy accessible to everyone.  Combination remedies are now available in CVS, Whole Foods and most health food stores.  

The next post will be What Are Provings? 

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Homeopathy is a holistic method of healing based on the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Holistic refers to anything that takes into consideration the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects which make up the whole of a person.

A Homeopathic Consultant wants to know about your physical complaints, what are your emotional feelings and reactions, how is your mental clarity, concentration, memory function and who you are spiritually.  Then it is up to the Homeopath to find just the right remedy which reflects those aspects of you.  That remedy will help to bring you into balance and become the best YOU possible.

The central Principle of Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars or the concept of "Like Cures Like."  That which causes symptoms in a healthy person will cure a sick person with these symptoms.  The 16th century pioneer of chemical medicine, Paracelsus, declared that small doses of "what makes a man ill also cures him."

We are all familiar with several versions of this Principle.  "Eat a hair of the dog that bit you" is an old saying.  An alcoholic can wake up in the morning feeling hung over and shaky, within and without.  A small amount of alcohol quickly takes these symptoms away.  Of course, more will simply get him drunk again.

Vaccines are another example of The Law of Similars.  A harmful disease like Polio is injected into the body to create antibodies against Polio and will usually keep the person from getting Polio.

Homeopathy uses a similar approach.  However, our remedies are first diluted and succussed (a specific way of shaking) many times so that the side effects often seen with vaccines, etc. no longer exist.  This process is called potentization.  The remedies bring the body into balance so that it can naturally dispose of disease.  Our bodies possess the wisdom and physical mechanisms to know how to heal in most cases.  

Let's look at an example.  When you cut up a red onion it causes your eyes to burn and tear and often your nose will drip like a water faucet.  When that same onion is made into a Homeopathic remedy, Allium cepa, it will take away the same symptoms in someone suffering from a similar cold or allergy.

Let's take another example.  When the average person rubs up against a poison ivy plant his skin begins to itch, turn red, feel hot and eventually break out in blisters, which drain and crust over before healing.  If he is especially sensitive to the plant, he develops swollen joints which can feel hot and stiff.  He will become irritable, restless (mentally and physically) and develop insomnia.

The Homeopathic remedy made of poison ivy is Rhus toxicodendron.  It can then be used in one of two ways.  Acutely, one of its uses is to treat chicken pox.  Remember, poison ivy contact produces that same type of intense itching and blistering.  I should point out that Rhus toxicodendron is not the only remedy that can be used for Chicken Pox.  It would need to match all the acute symptoms the person had at the time.

At a more chronic level, a Constitutional level, it's used for an arthritic person with swollen, stiff joints who is very irritable, can't sit for long without feeling even stiffer, feels somewhat looser moving about and has problems sleeping from a mental and physical restlessness.  

Each remedy is "proven" under precise standards so that we can know what symptoms each one will match.  More will be written about this method on a later post.

The Art of Homeopathy comes into play when the Homeopath sits down to take the case.  How skilled is the Homeopath at getting the client to give the information necessary to find the right remedy?  This is part of a Homeopaths training.  (You can go to the link for the American University of Complimentary Medicine to look at the requirements a Homeopath must complete.)

Homeopathy is amazing!  It can bring you into a state of well being that you may not have experienced for years. Anxiety quiets, concentration is easier, stiff muscles relax and you can cope with the world a little easier.  Homeopathy brings you into balance so that you can get out there and achieve your true purpose.

On my next post I will write about "The Types of Homeopathy."  

Enjoy and use this article, but please be legal.  Include this resource block and all is good. 
Jeanne Zeeb-Schecter, DHM is a lecturer and teacher for Homeopathic programs and classes.  She has a practice in Valley Village, CA.  Follow Dr. Jeanne at her blog,

Thursday, February 25, 2010


On my first post I want to give you, the reader, an idea of the content you will find here.  I will write about basic principles in Homeopathy and the significance of fundamental, healthy lifestyle changes (i.e. clean water, healthy diet, exercise, sunshine, etc.), the absence of which Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, called "obstacles to cure."  I will write about Flower Essences and give you "essence recipes" for weight loss and stress.

I plan to post several protocols that I usually suggest which can have a positive effect on particular health challenges.  My belief is that even though I consider Homeopathy miraculous, I think vitamins and certain supplements are also necessary for optimal health.  The first two protocols will be on Allergies and Aids to Stop Smoking.  

I will post links to pertinent articles that have come across my desk or were suggested by one of my peers.  For example, yesterday I downloaded a short article on Anti-Cancer Superfoods, including a shopping list to take to the market.  It's from an television episode of Dr. Oz.  The article has simple suggestions that can easily be incorporated into your life today. 

My next post will be a simple article titled, "What is Homeopathy?"  For those of you that have prior knowledge of Homeopathy, I plan to build on these elements in future postings.  However, I want this space to be for everyone so it's necessary to begin with the basics.

I look forward to your comments and any suggestions for future topics. I will do my best to work them into the appropriate post.