Saturday, February 27, 2010


Homeopathy is a holistic method of healing based on the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Holistic refers to anything that takes into consideration the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects which make up the whole of a person.

A Homeopathic Consultant wants to know about your physical complaints, what are your emotional feelings and reactions, how is your mental clarity, concentration, memory function and who you are spiritually.  Then it is up to the Homeopath to find just the right remedy which reflects those aspects of you.  That remedy will help to bring you into balance and become the best YOU possible.

The central Principle of Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars or the concept of "Like Cures Like."  That which causes symptoms in a healthy person will cure a sick person with these symptoms.  The 16th century pioneer of chemical medicine, Paracelsus, declared that small doses of "what makes a man ill also cures him."

We are all familiar with several versions of this Principle.  "Eat a hair of the dog that bit you" is an old saying.  An alcoholic can wake up in the morning feeling hung over and shaky, within and without.  A small amount of alcohol quickly takes these symptoms away.  Of course, more will simply get him drunk again.

Vaccines are another example of The Law of Similars.  A harmful disease like Polio is injected into the body to create antibodies against Polio and will usually keep the person from getting Polio.

Homeopathy uses a similar approach.  However, our remedies are first diluted and succussed (a specific way of shaking) many times so that the side effects often seen with vaccines, etc. no longer exist.  This process is called potentization.  The remedies bring the body into balance so that it can naturally dispose of disease.  Our bodies possess the wisdom and physical mechanisms to know how to heal in most cases.  

Let's look at an example.  When you cut up a red onion it causes your eyes to burn and tear and often your nose will drip like a water faucet.  When that same onion is made into a Homeopathic remedy, Allium cepa, it will take away the same symptoms in someone suffering from a similar cold or allergy.

Let's take another example.  When the average person rubs up against a poison ivy plant his skin begins to itch, turn red, feel hot and eventually break out in blisters, which drain and crust over before healing.  If he is especially sensitive to the plant, he develops swollen joints which can feel hot and stiff.  He will become irritable, restless (mentally and physically) and develop insomnia.

The Homeopathic remedy made of poison ivy is Rhus toxicodendron.  It can then be used in one of two ways.  Acutely, one of its uses is to treat chicken pox.  Remember, poison ivy contact produces that same type of intense itching and blistering.  I should point out that Rhus toxicodendron is not the only remedy that can be used for Chicken Pox.  It would need to match all the acute symptoms the person had at the time.

At a more chronic level, a Constitutional level, it's used for an arthritic person with swollen, stiff joints who is very irritable, can't sit for long without feeling even stiffer, feels somewhat looser moving about and has problems sleeping from a mental and physical restlessness.  

Each remedy is "proven" under precise standards so that we can know what symptoms each one will match.  More will be written about this method on a later post.

The Art of Homeopathy comes into play when the Homeopath sits down to take the case.  How skilled is the Homeopath at getting the client to give the information necessary to find the right remedy?  This is part of a Homeopaths training.  (You can go to the link for the American University of Complimentary Medicine to look at the requirements a Homeopath must complete.)

Homeopathy is amazing!  It can bring you into a state of well being that you may not have experienced for years. Anxiety quiets, concentration is easier, stiff muscles relax and you can cope with the world a little easier.  Homeopathy brings you into balance so that you can get out there and achieve your true purpose.

On my next post I will write about "The Types of Homeopathy."  

Enjoy and use this article, but please be legal.  Include this resource block and all is good. 
Jeanne Zeeb-Schecter, DHM is a lecturer and teacher for Homeopathic programs and classes.  She has a practice in Valley Village, CA.  Follow Dr. Jeanne at her blog,

Thursday, February 25, 2010


On my first post I want to give you, the reader, an idea of the content you will find here.  I will write about basic principles in Homeopathy and the significance of fundamental, healthy lifestyle changes (i.e. clean water, healthy diet, exercise, sunshine, etc.), the absence of which Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, called "obstacles to cure."  I will write about Flower Essences and give you "essence recipes" for weight loss and stress.

I plan to post several protocols that I usually suggest which can have a positive effect on particular health challenges.  My belief is that even though I consider Homeopathy miraculous, I think vitamins and certain supplements are also necessary for optimal health.  The first two protocols will be on Allergies and Aids to Stop Smoking.  

I will post links to pertinent articles that have come across my desk or were suggested by one of my peers.  For example, yesterday I downloaded a short article on Anti-Cancer Superfoods, including a shopping list to take to the market.  It's from an television episode of Dr. Oz.  The article has simple suggestions that can easily be incorporated into your life today. 

My next post will be a simple article titled, "What is Homeopathy?"  For those of you that have prior knowledge of Homeopathy, I plan to build on these elements in future postings.  However, I want this space to be for everyone so it's necessary to begin with the basics.

I look forward to your comments and any suggestions for future topics. I will do my best to work them into the appropriate post.