Sunday, March 21, 2010


I recently gave my first year students an assignment entitled, What is Health?  I thought you would enjoy reading one of the papers.  True health is quite different than what we normally think it is.  My student, Ashleigh Brackett, did a beautiful job of defining Health.

"To accurately define health, one must go beyond its standard definition.  A complete picture of health must include much more than mere freedom from disease.  The epitome of health is achieved when the individual's body, mind and spirit are in perfect balance.  When these three elements act as one, the individual is able to manage both internal and external environmental disturbances by its own natural means.  It is able to maintain balance with its own methods even when negative influences act upon it.   At this level of health, the individual's body, on a biochemical level, is in a state of homeostasis.  Homeostasis describes a state of physiological equilibrium where the body's self-regulatory duties all perform properly.

If health was defined solely by the term, freedom from disease, one might be lead to believe that the absence of symptoms is evidence that an individual is in a healthy condition.  This is inaccurate.  Symptoms are necessary as they provide evidence that the body is auto-correcting or can be seen as indicators that point to a problem within the organism.  By ignoring or covering up symptoms, the source of the disease or problem does not disappear.  It is important to use them as warning signals and provide assistance to the body as it attempts to clear the issue.  

A complete picture of optimal health would include: properly functioning organs, balanced biochemical processes, sharp senses, a strong immune system, a good respiratory system, neuromuscular system, digestive system and motor skills.  It would reflect a vibrant, abundance of energy, the ability to think clearly, a strong short and long term memory, the ability to concentrate, even emotions, a calm demeanor, and the experience of refreshing sleep."

As you can see from Ashleigh's writing, Health is a multifaceted aspect of life.  I would also add the body's ability to cope with stress, the ability to experience joy and the expression of creativity to her list.  I hope to add more of my student's writings and opinions as time goes on.

The next blog entry will be, "Natural Allergy Relief."