Water is vital to our health.
Our bodies are composed of 70-75% water. Water is a component of every cell in the body. Most of the physiological processes that take place in the body require water to make things run smoothly. Did you know that the average, healthy person can endure a three to ten day fast without physical harm- as long as they are drinking adequate amounts of water. However, going without food and water for only three days can put the body into severe dehydration and begin to damage organs.
Mild dehydration is responsible for many symptoms we experience. Often, a mild headache can be relieved by drinking two glasses of water. Try it and wait 15 minutes before you reach for the ibuproben. Just to be clear, I'm talking about drinking water, not coffee, tea, juice or soda. Coffee has a diuretic action on the body. It actually takes out water! The body wants plain water, the cleaner the better.
Let's take a look at a few of the benefits we experience when drinking adequate amounts of water:
1. Water carries waste products from every cell to the kidneys where they are excreted in the urine. Many doctors believe drinking enough water helps to prevent kidney stones. Toxins are more easily carried out from the liver in a hydrated body. A build up of toxins can make you feel sluggish and irritable. It's more diffucult to concentration.
2. Adequate water can help to reduce infections in the body. The lymphatic system breaks down toxins like caffeine before it goes into the blood. The lymphatic system doesn't flow properly without enough water in the system.
3. The skin has more elasticity and looks younger and plumper with adequate water.
4. Continual flushing of the bladder with water helps to prevent cystitis (bladder infections). You don't want concentrated urine sitting for long periods in the bladder if you're trying to prevent infection.
5. Chronic constipation if often eliminated with adequate water.
6. Contrary to most thinking, drinking more water reduces edema (water retention) from the body. If the body is short on water it will retain whatever there is for maintenance of your daily processes. You can flush out the salts which are holding onto the water by drinking more water.
7. A lack of water reduces the saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps to wash away bacteria. Halitosis (bad breath) can occur in a dry mouth from the build up of bacteria on the teeth and tongue.
8. The blood is 85-90% water! The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. And, it carries out cellular waste. A lack of adequate water will reduce the volume of blood. The blood can become slightly sticky and this cases inflammation in the blood vessels. We now know that inflammation is the beginning process of most diseases. If less oxygen is carried, cramping can occur in the muscles. A lack of water causes lactic acid to build up in the muscles. That causes aches and pains and that crunchy sensation you experience when your muscles are massaged.
9. The brain is 75-80% water. The electrical synapsis' (connections) that occurs from one neuron to another travel through water. Thinking, concentration and memory are at a higher quality with a hydrated brain.
10. Water regulates our body temperature. Most of us were told by our doctors to get rest and to drink more fluids when sick with a fever.
How do we loose water?
Sweating- you loose about two cups of water a day through perspiration. If you exercise or your feet sweat, it's more that that.
Breathing- you expel between two and four cups of water every day. Don't believe me? Exhale onto a mirror and look at the moisture. How many times do you exhale every minute, hour or every day?
Urination- Each time you urinate you loose about a cup of water. If your urine is an intense yellow or dark, you are probably not drinking enough water. You want it to be pale yellow or clear. (Some medications and supplements can change the color of your urine.)
How much water is enough?
Generally, drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day . Some experts say we should drink half our body weight in ounces. I tend to think that is more accurate. It's also very good to drink down two full glasses first thing in the morning.
"Water is the single most important material for the existence and support of human life and health."
My next post will talk about Alkaline Water.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
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