Monday, May 17, 2010


Here's an article my husband, Michael posted not long ago.  He explains the benefits of drinking alkaline water.  

My wife, Jeanne & I, were talking yesterday about the three features of alkaline water. It is difficult to pick just one out. Let's look at alkaline waters' three characteristics.

The first feature is the most commonly known, alkalinity. Most people even call ionic water alkaline water. In fact I called this blog "Alkaline Water Geek."

The reason alkalinity is so important is because most of us have a slightly acidic pH. Our general lifestyles make our bodies acidic. The food we eat and what we drink creates this toxic condition in our bodies.

I don't know where you are starting from, so let me back up. pH or "potential of hydrogen" is a scale from 0-14, 0 being most acidic and 14 being most alkaline. The range of pH of human blood is between 7.35-7.45, a pretty tight window. Our bodies will do almost anything to keep the blood at its proper pH. When we drink ionic water we move our bodies from the acidic range to a more alkaline state. That seems very important.

The second characteristic of ionic water is micro clustering. Normally, water comes to us is in a big bunch of molecules. This doesn't work very well in our bodies, so the water doesn't hydrate us very well. Most of us have the experience of drinking a lot of water and urinating shortly after that. What is the point? In water's natural state, it is micro clustered, that is instead of this big glob of molecules, it is in a smaller group of 6 molecules. The Japanese call it snowflake water. Any of you that have seen Dr. Emoto's photographs of water will know why they look like snowflakes. If you have not seen his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, google Emoto's water or pictures and you're in for a treat.

This micro clustering creates these little snowflakes that fit perfectly into our cells. All living things are programmed to use this snowflake water. When you put fresh flowers into micro clustered water they live a lot longer than putting them in regular water. When water freezes it returns to this micro clustered state. Unfortunately when it returns to its liquid state, it also returns to the way it was before it froze. What does this mean for us? When we drink micro clustered water our bodies can use the water the way God intended. We can hydrate our cells.

When we are first born we are a higher percentage of water than when we are older. Most of the water in our bodies as infants is in our cells. As we age, most of the water in our bodies is outside our cells where it has little value to our health & well being. When we drink micro clustered water we are re-hydrating our cells. This brings water, nutrients and oxygen back into the cells. This also removes built up toxins and waste products from the cells. Wow, that sounds pretty important.

The third characteristic of ionized water is that it is rich in antioxidants. As the water passes through the ionic water machine, the water is negatively charged. That means it has electrons that are negatively charged. When we drink the ionized water these negative electrons seek out free radicals and neutralize them. Free radicals cause a lot of damage in the body and antioxidants are very important in keeping the damage to a minimum.

If you would like to learn more, visit Michaels' blog, Alkaline Water Geek.  The link is under "Related Links" to the right.