Monday, June 27, 2011


Summer is here and with it the heat.  One of the things that can cause us to feel tired and out of it during the summer is mild dehydration.  I want to remind you of the normal ways we loose water daily:

Sweating- you loose about two cups of water a day through perspiration.  If you exercise or your feet sweat, you loose more that that.  If it’s hot you will loose more.

Breathing- you expel between two and four cups of water every day when you breathe out.  Don't believe me?  Exhale onto a mirror and look at the moisture.  How many times do you exhale every minute, every hour or every day?

Urination- each time you urinate you loose about a cup of water.  If your urine is an intense yellow or a dark color, you are probably not drinking enough water.  You want it to be pale yellow or clear.  (Some medications and supplements can change the color of your urine.)

When we loose fluids we need to drink more water and add electrolytes to the water.  Two easy ways to do that are:

Alacer Corp.  Electro Mix- just dissolve an individual packet into a liter of water and drink.

Hyland’s Bioplasma Sport with Electrolytes- this has electrolytes and the 12 Cell Salts in individual packets that you drop onto your tongue.  Follow with lots of water.

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